Saturday 9 April 2016

COLD FUSION LIVING: Owing a Little Dried Grape

Salut Christian & Faith...

Have you figure out yet what the title means?

"Owing a Little Dried Grape"

1. When you owe something that is called a, "debt."

2. A little dried grape is called a, "raisin."

Put those together and you get, "raisin debt."

OK ... so it was a really lame way to say, "raison d'ĂȘtre."

Yep - I'm still harping on the purpose thing ... do you know your raison d'ĂȘtre ... your "reason to be?"

If not ... get on that. if you do ... then life is already making more sense to you than it does to most people because the fact remains ....

.... most people don't owe any little dried grapes. And they really should.

Love you.


PS ... not every blog needs to be long to make the point.